Wednesday, April 24, 2019

My tuto
How to crack a market in 11 steps

This post is based on my lattest achievement (24/03/19)  at Grakka where I started from scratch by opening the French office of the group for the European Southern market.
Let me explain you the context:
Grakka is a British company specialized in the distribution of Anglo-Saxon brands based on the gastronomy industry. This company exists from almost 20years and have never been able to penetrate the French market and southern Europe in general. My challenge was to crack it down
In 2015, The turnover for southern Europe was 50Keuros
Cumulated turnover in 03/2019: 900Keuros

I oversaw a portfolio of 5 Brands: Bradley Smoker, Kamado Joe, Ozpig, Mega Master With the lines below I will try to enlighten you on how we enable the brand Bradley Smoker, unknown 3 years ago, to reach the third place in term of brand awareness into the French market. All of this was made in bootstrap mode!
FYI, my statement on the ranking is based on google planner.

To do so, I had to develop the following skills:

1-      Realize Market Survey:

To understand my market: The different profiles of final customers, the ideal profile of retailers to target, competitors and their strategies (online & offline), customer segments
To do so, I used the following tools:
-          Google planners
-          Google analytics
-          Google trends
-          Yodaa insights
-          Facebook
-          tubebuddy
-          SWOT analysis
-          Stores and online check

Then, establish the first strategy which was:  collect more data to have a better understanding of our customers

2-      Creation of Bradley website via WordPress:  To develop a good visibility online.

I personally did work a lot on SEO but not on SEA. The SEA was outsourced, I just had to provide a short list of the most relevant key words.
Here below the website Bradley

3-      Management of social medias and content creation: Create a community of evangelist

To organize and schedule my publications, I used buffer in order to save time. Here below some of our pages:
The idea of those pages was to communicate on the core values of the brand and how to use or make the most of the products whatever the situation or context.

4-      Production of videos on youtube:

For a better market penetration, identify new customers, but also to optimize our SEM.

5-      Creation of a network of bloggers and influencers:

-          French Smoker:
-          Le blog de Raffa
Only one recommendation to the bloggers/ambassadors, mention at least once the name of the brand and ideally the website.

6-      A book has been published by a famous French chef.

The chef Simon used 2 of our brands to realise this book full of delicious recipes: Kamado Joe and Bradley Smoker.
The idea was to create traction on the brands and websites to identify who are the final customer and where is he located?


7-      Create and organize B2B email campaigns: To recruit the right dealers.

Around a hundred Email campaigns were executed. A publication with a link below will explain you how I did collect email addresses, on which purpose and how I organize in an efficient way the different email campaigns.

Based on that strategy, at the end of the exercise: 17% of my B2B prospects were following weekly all my publications. They are now considered as hot leads.

8-      Catalogue creation (photoshop), Marketing sheet and technical sheet (with Canva):

An example here enclosed.

9-      Data analysis:

Beyond the social media analysis/insight, I was using google analytics to have a better understanding of my customers in order to create the right content to the right customer or hunting the right brand ambassadors. But that was also of great help to understand customers road map (physical or virtual) in order to bring them smoothly to the best product able to meet their expectations.
To do so, I pass a google certification:

This approach also enables me to create persona respecting the code and the values of customers targeted.  The hidden idea is to inspire them, to help final customer to project himself playing with it and make the product more friendly.
An example of persona (Herve Chasseur) built from the ground to conquer the following segments clearly identified:
-           Hunters
-           River fishermen
-           Traditional homemade charcuterie lovers
Here below few of his most successful videos to illustrate the process.
Recipe of truit smoked in the old fashion way Segment targeted river fishermen and their wives:

Recipe of ham smoked in the traditional way Segment Targeted Charcuterie lovers:

10-   Plan events:
Based on the road mapping logic, explained above, we also had to be present on trade shows, fairs or public demo in stores, in order to be in contact with our final customers or retailers.
Here below a list non exhaustive of the events I had to attempt based on customers clearly identified:
-          JDC in Marseille
-          Belgium Game Fair
-          Salon de la chasse de la motte Beuvron
-          Ouverture de la chasse St Hubert
-          French smokers days
-          Lille salon culinaire
-          Nuremberg game fair
-          .

11-   Develop the network of retailers 

To create and develop our network and push retailers to join us, we have to convince them on the following points:
-          Quality of the products: Endorsements from famous chefs, interviews and good customers feedbacks.
-          The versatility of the products: videos of demonstrations.
-          Size of our market: Google planners, our followers or viewers on social media, the estimated one from our network of bloggers/ambassadors, the units sold N-1/N-2
-          Come with a readymade sales strategy/marketing plan and argument of sales for final customers or segments targeted
-          (optional) Explain your products VS competitors and how they are a better match

Here below a link with our dealers location for the brand Bradley smoker:


To sum-up everything, I would say to unlock and open a breach in the southern market, I proceed in the following way:
-          Gather data to understand the market: Its organization, opportunities and Threats.
-          Use the local players (brand ambassadors, bloggers) who understand the core values and speak with the code of customers targeted, in order to make the brand/products more familiar. Then scale, duplicate, automatize the spreading of the message via social media.
-           Once you understand how and why the final customer buy the products, it is time to find the right dealers sharing the customers values and codes. When you identify the best way to recruit retailers Scale it, duplicate it, automatize the spreading of the message via social media or B2B email campaigns (chimp mail).

Well you know now almost all my secrets. I hope those 6 pages of my manifesto were quite useful and explained well enough to make you understand my way to conquer new markets.

I will be glad of course to share with you my skills and experience for your present or upcoming projects. I remain at your disposal for further information if need be.

Best regards,

Sebastien Vanhoecke

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